Emerging technology innovation workshop

Services: Emerging technology, innovation, workshop, delivery outputs, private slack channel

Unlock innovation in a day

Join a bespoke workshop to explore your biggest challenges, find out how emerging technology can support ideas and innovation – and get practical, tangible assets and outputs you can actually use.

Your customers (and internal teams) days and nights are increasingly Synthetic – from the hours spent on their mobile devices to the algorithms driving their content consumption. Your business needs to be on top of where, how and why they are interacting – and meet them there.

Our workshop hones in on your specific business challenges and helps your team learn actionable tools and techniques with cutting-edge technologies. You get help innovating faster, keep competitive, and have a team that’s motivated and excited for the future.

The Emerging Technology Accelerator is your 8-hour kickstart workshop to unlock innovation within your team

Emerging Technology Accelerator

The Synthetic innovation team will support you in helping explore and understand the tech, consumer and innovation landscape.  We’ll help identify key challenges where technology can improve processes, automate tasks or create ideas for new products and services.

The one-day accelerator works like this;

Morning session

  • Explore: Understand the landscape of innovation and how emerging technology can spark ideas, automate or improve processes. See relevant case studies to learn from
  • Define: Set a challenge from your current or future unmet customer need

Afternoon session

  • Ideate: Armed with new knowledge and a challenge to solve, use emerging technologies as a catalyst for growth
  • Deliver: Get a bespoke, practical plan of action for your business – with UX roadmap, data and ongoing support to keep up momentum.

Emerging tech as an enabler of growth

We’ll focus on relevant examples and case studies – from generative AI to the metaverse, voice and chat and synthetic media – showing how they could be applied to your business challenges and ideate (lots of) ways to apply them.

Emerging technology innovation unlocks revenue opportunities, can reduce cost by automating tasks, reducing team time spent on repetitive work and keeps you ahead of the competition.

Innovation doesn’t have to be difficult

We’ve seen (and had the misfortune of being subjected to) too many unfocused, fluffy workshops. That’s one of our anti-goals – to never run a workshop that doesn’t have specific goals, actions and outputs –  K.I.S.S works

There’s beauty – and business growth, in simple things done well. In our view, well prepared and run workshops shouldn’t be rocket science.

Here’s the flow of actions and outputs you’ll get – we believe it’s market leading and offers your business an insane amount of value.

Clear and useful outputs

The workshop is focused on business benefits – and having practical outputs you can actually use. You’ll get improvements to processes, new ideas for products and services and a clear way to action them through visual UX,  customer experience points and roadmaps

Our high-quality Miro board flows and visuals help to get senior management buy-in, and provide a single source of understanding for the team – making the whole exercise valuable and actionable.

It’s powerful stuff – and helps you avoid the ‘innovation stuck in drawer somewhere’ syndrome (more on that in a sec) – if you’re ready to generate ideas and revenue, let’s get started

Your private slack channel

A lot of innovation workshop and design sprints tend to get a wave of enthusiasm during the day/week and then get progressively de-prioritised over the next month.

We’ve solved that. Your accelerator workshop includes an invite to your own private slack channel to get additional emerging technology resources and tools, ask questions and keep your team momentum going – it’s free for one month after your workshop

We find it’s often our clients favourite part of the process – being able to ask questions, get support and keep momentum is a game changer.

It helps get support from senior management and is an opportunity to set out a more concrete plan of action for the highest potential impact – improvements to process, automations or to kickstart new product and service innovation.

Our clients love working with us, you will too.

``Super fast and helpful team``

Deobrah, education enterprise principal

``Knowledgeable and pro-active, highly recommended

Hannah, charity development director

``Amazing knowledge and focus on challenges``

Mel, Senior product manager, customer insight platform

Book your one-day workshop now

This is going to be expensive, right?

Far from it. Our aim is to create huge amounts of value, opportunities and revenue for our client partners and their internal teams – cost-effectively

We believe we’ve got the highest value, actionable innovation workshop on the market (and a risk-free ‘insane value or full refund policy”)

The innovation accelerator workshop investment is £2,500 + VAT

– Remember, you get 4 full days of expert digital help and support (pre-meeting research, the one-day workshop, practical asset outputs AND your own private slack innovation channel)

Let’s get you booked in